Thursday 29 April 2010


To see my Evaluation in full click the button "full" on the slide ..

Wednesday 28 April 2010

MV Feedback

This is my magazine feedback for MV .

Tuesday 13 April 2010

feature page


To make my feature page i made up a interview in Microsoft word, i then imported it into "indesign" and placed it on the page . I found some photos of my model and cut the image down to size, so it could fit on the page. I then made some points along the images, so that the text would go around it . I then put my "MV logo" up at the side.After that i decided to make a banner that was see through orange with big text in "impact font".Last but least i decided to find a background that would go with the theme of the magazine. However, the background that i chose clashed with text so i decided to turned down the colour of the background, so the readers would be able to read the text.

Monday 12 April 2010

My contents page


To make the contents page i had to make up some text in Microsoft word. I then imported the text into "indesign".After that i placed it on the page where i wanted it to be. Then i decided to find a relevant picture of my model that would go with page.Then i also decided to carry on the colour scheme black , white and orange through the page. Also i took the header for the title on the feature page and put it on the contents.
Last but least i decided to make a film strip. How i made this is by importing a empty film strip into "indesign", i then found some photos and cut them down to size so they could fit to a appropriate size .

Sunday 11 April 2010

Content's and Feature Page

I have now finished my front cover for my mgaazine and have decided to take some more photos for the content's page and the feature page .

Here are some of the photos for the magazine.:

Tuesday 9 March 2010

The cover of MV

Here's the cover of the magazine :

To make the cover page i had to make up some text in Microsoft word e.g Cleo
The future of R&B

R&B hardest hitters

Drake hip hops
New religion

Amber rose’s hottest looks

Melanie Fiona
Young money
Robin Thicke
Trey Songz

Chris Brown
Are u still down

After that I then imported the text into "indesign". Then i placed it on the page where i wanted it to be.Then i decided to find a relevant picture of my model that would go with page.Then i also decided to carry on the colour scheme black , white and orange through the page.I then put my "MV logo" up at the side. To make the smiley faces on the cover i took a photo of some chocolate smarties. I then imported the image into illustrater and drew some faces on then. I then change the colour to orange to continue the theme. After that i imported the image into "indesign"and placed it where i wanted it .

Monday 1 March 2010

Creating an identity part 1 updated again

This week I am happy to inform you guys of the name of my magazine which is ........"MV ( MUSIC'S VOICE). I have also decided the font of the text. For the the title "MV" I am going to use Times New Roman Regular and for the text I will use impact to make the magazine stand out and look attractive to the target audience.

later on in the week I Started to create my title by making it first in illstrater to make the design then, I copyed it over to indesign and change the colour to orange .

Here is a preview of the title of what I made on Illstarter :

Sunday 28 February 2010

Creating an identity part 2 update

I have now come up with a colour scheme which is orange , black and white which I think will look really good on the cover. I have also this week taken some new pictures for my cover with a new model with the help of Mr Jarret. later on in the week I picked a cover photo out of the ones I shot of the new model" Cleo" which I think will make the magazine look amazing.

I would love if you guys could vote if you like it or not so I can have some feedback.

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Creating an identity part 3

Now that the title for my magazine is own it way to announced , I have to start thinking how I want it to look on my magazine because the title is one of the key factors of making a magazine have an identity to the target audience. So i did some research and found a magazine. "Billboard magazine"

The title stands out because it has good text and colour plus it is simple and the name is easy to remember. However I think this one might be a little to simply and follows all the rest of the magazines by having the title going straight across the page , so I might try and switch the angles on my title when creating it in "INDESIGN" to give it a diffrent look , so it will stand out from the rest.

Creating an identity part 1 - update

I thought that I should update you on how picking the name for the magazine is going. Well so far many people are voting on the poll for many names but the most votes are going to ........ MV(Music's voice), which I really like because it is short, snappy and will stay in your minds. However the poll is not closed yet ,so if you have your say still, VOTE NOW .

Creating an identity part 2

This week I am thinking of a colour scheme that would be good for the magazine. Also by doing this I can tell my model in advance what colours to wear, so it won't clash with the colour of the text on the cover. the colours in mind are Red, Lilic,orange, white , black and few others.

At this moment I have a few colours in mind that might make the magazine stand out for good reasons. Also this week am starting to get the feel of the program that we have to create my magazine on which "INDESIGN", luckily I have the help of Mr Jarret, who knows the program very well. He has also offered to help me take my photos again for my cover.

Photos for the front cover - Draft

This week I am starting to create my artist for my magazine,By using my friend Tashuna for the model. Here are some of the pics:

However, my teachers thought that the pictures were not good engough to make my cover look like the ones on the shelves at the shops.

Back to the drawing board

Creating an identity part1

After the researching I am starting of thinking of names that will go with my magazine and what kind of logo . Here are some of the names i came up with :

  1. Musicollusion
  2. Sound

To make my decision a little easier, because I am total in love with all of these names. I will ask my friends what they think about the names.

At this moment I will have to continue with my researching until I get any ideas for my magazine .

You can help two , by voting which name you think will suit the magazine.

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Magazine proposal

To see my Magazine proposal in full click the button "full" on the slide ..

planning presentation

This all my planning for my magazine :

Researching magazines

From researching magazines that are in the same genre I have found two magzines. Vibe and Billboard magzine which, have a huge fan base around the world . Here are some of there covers.

Creating a Music Magazine

In my Media studies, I am creating a muisc magazine about the genre of urban/pop music . Where I have to design a front cover , content's page and feature page. which will include an artist from that genre, however I have to make an new artist up because I have to take the pictures myself for the magazine.

To create the magazine to the best standard I have to research loads of magazines that are in the same genre, to see how there magazines are set out .

Also I need to start thinking about making an identity for my magazine e.g the name of it and the logo .